Redbird Ranch Fare

The 2014 market season is upon us and we at Redbird Ranch Fare are excited for the new things to come.

Here is a list of events we will be attending this year. We will keep this page updated as new events are confirmed.


Seminole Made In Oklahoma Festival
April 5, 2014
Main St. Seminole, OK
10 am - 5 pm
Cherry Street Farmer's Market
15th & Peoria Tulsa, OK
Saturdays, April - October
7 - 11 am
We have vendors at this market for over 10 years and are excited to continue the tradition.
The Owasso Gathering on Main
1st Thursday of the Month, April - October
6 - 9 pm
We are excited for this new opportunity to have our products at a new venue in a new area.


We look forward to seeing you and your family at one of these events!


Written by Erin Parman — March 01, 2014